
Encounter some of Ireland’s threatened wildlife species at Lough Boora Discovery Park, including the native Grey Partridge and impressive numbers of migrant birds who make their home in the park. A range of common, obscure and nocturnal mammals can appear in plain sight at a moment’s notice if you’re lucky enough to spot them!

Listen for the periodic sounds of our local amphibians and the fleeting hum and buzz of busy insects. The park is a natural treasure of living species waiting to be explored and appreciated.



Avid wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts can view some of the over 130 species of resident and migrant birds from the park’s bird watching hides. Areas of Lough Boora Discovery Park are also home to the last remaining population of native Grey Partridge, one of Ireland’s most threatened breeding birds.

Read more about birds


The park contains Nationally and Internationally Important Species, including the common Irish Hare, which can be spotted in large numbers. Nocturnal Badgers and Bats rarely leave evidence of their activity, while the timid Deer and herds of wild Goats keep to the grasslands and conifer forestry.

Read more about mammals

frogAmphibians and Reptiles      

These cold-blooded species can be found in the park’s lakes and wetlands, preferring to keep to aquatic areas. Listen for Frogs as they sound their croaks, ribbits and splashes throughout our local waterways.


The park is a flutter of activity each spring and summer, with the local Straw Underwing Moth, Black-tailed Skimmer and Keeled Skimmer Dragonflies, Common Darter and Branded Damselfly. The Brimstone Butterfly emerges from winter hibernation in spring and migrant species of Butterflies start to arrive in the park from southern Europe in the summer.




Go wild! Discover the natural wonders throughout the park.

Please remember to respect the nature and conservation value of Lough Boora Discovery Park.

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